Peach & raspberry icecream

Publié le par sabeha sanihon

Peach & raspberry icecream

Peach & berry icecream to chill during this hot weather

here's the recipe

Prep time: 9 hours

Custrd :

6 egg yolks at room temperature

2 cups of heavy cream

3 cups of milk

1 & 1/2 cups of regular sugar

peach & raspberry extracts for flavour

in a bowl, mix the egg yolks and the sugar then set a side

In a sauce pan preheat the milk and the cream together and let come to a gentle boil

Add slowly to the egg mixture and whisk

Pour the custard in the sauce pan and keep turning with a wooden spoon

Let it cook until it thickens a bit but do not let it come to a boil or burn

Divide the custard into 2 portions one for the peach extract and the other for the raspberry

Or add fresh fruits of your choice

Let the custard cool at room temperature for 1 hour then pop it in the freezer to chill for 5 to 8 hours

If you use an icecream machine make sure you put your insert in the freezer over night and the custard in the fridge for 10 to 12 hours, then put it in the icecream machine and let it turn to icecream for 20 to 30 min depending on the instruction of icecream machine

Hope you enjoy

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